Saturday, August 16, 2008

How Big is Your World?

Suppose you have lived your whole life in Centennial, attended only Littleton Public schools, never traveled to another state, let alone another country, never met anyone other than people who live in your neighborhood, never learned a foreign language. Given this scenario, your world might be considered rather small. But now consider all the experiences you have accumulated so far in your life -- the people you've met, the places you've visited, the specialized skills and knowledge you've acquired. Compare yourself to that hypothetical stay-at-home and answer the question "How big is your world?" Consider both its physical and mental dimensions.


Ian Horner said...

Most people learn and grow mentally by the influence of people in their life. However, for me this has never really been the case. I'm a shy person and I only have a few friends,(if you're not Mr. Sale then stop reading this because it's embarrassing,) so a lot of my knowledge and beliefs were influenced by users on internet forums. No, really. There's one website I often visit (I'm not going to mention it here because it's an incredibly nerdy site) where the users are exceptionally intelligent and open-minded. They say a lot of things that nobody would EVER say in real life, and after visiting the site for several years, I must say that I agree with a lot of the things they say. Yes, reading posts on a forum has actually changed my life considerably.

Why am I telling you this? Well, this blog is all about how our beliefs and personalities would be different under certain conditions, including "never [meeting] anyone other than people who live in your neighborhood." Does reading blogs and posts on the internet count as "meeting" people? If not, then I would say that I would be pretty much the same person under the conditions you listed as the person I am now.

Bobbie said...

Concidering the fact that I have lived in Colorado for what feels like forever but I believe I live in a very large world, with all the friends that i have and all of my friends friends that I have come to know and love. It started off to a very small start only knowing people inside of school, but that has now expanded into a larger amount. I honestly think that I have more close friends outside of school now then I ever have before. I have friends in differnt states that i met from vacations that i have been on. I was born in Africa and when i went back to see where i was born i got to met some of the greatest people ever. I lived there for a few years when we travled back but i just couldn't leave everyone behind. So, again i think that my world is much larger then it could be. And i am very thankful for that.

Bobbie Lewis

Josh TS said...

i have lived in centennial my entire life and have never been out of the country but i have been to other states. i know colorato really well and i can navigate myself from one side to the other except the mountains because i never really go up there. but for the most part my world is colorado and small portions of other states

JacobW said...

For me this world is the size of the contienental United States as I have been all over the country. I have been to All states west and south and north of colorado and also most of the east coast. I like having a large world as I have more opprotunity and I like seeing the amazing scenary this country has to offer. Going to all these places has inspired me and helped me gain understanding, knowledge, and a different perspective on things. I personnally think it is great for one to escape the small area they are placed and see new places as it can get boring staying and doing the same things over and over again. All in all I think my world both physically and mentally is just right.

carterw said...

The more I think about it the bigger my world really is. I have been to lots of places both in and out of the country. I makes me realize how lucky I am to be able to travle all around and see amazing and beautiful places. During my travles I have met some truly incridible people that have changed my outlook on life. This truly makes me realize how big my world really is compared to some other people. My hope is to countinue to travel the globe and meet more people and expand my world.

Anonymous said...

even though i was born in Colorado, i have lived in several other states growing up. from this experience, ive met knew people and lived in different enviornments and situations. some of the people from different states are still my friends today. ive also been to many schools and sometimes that can be difficult but ive enjoyed meeting new people and making new memories along the way. the schools that ive been to were like little worlds in themselves because they were each so different.but there is so much more out there then just my little world. the whole world exists and ive only experienced just a little bit of it.

Justin W said...

I grew up all over the place so the world is rather large in fact its huge. I was in england and its alot like her but still very differant it gave me a good understanding of how huge and diverse the world is.

David H. said...
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David H. said...

I have lived my whole life in Colorado but during my life I have made a lot of friends and I have lots of family that lives here. My world may be geographically small, living in Centennial, but I have learned a lot and the world will expose itself to me in the future.

Chris Y said...

I believe that everyones life is big to some degree but compared to this scenario my life is huge. I have attended littleton public schools my whole life and I have lived in Centennial, but I have made many friends and traveled many places. Also, I have gained knowledge that has helped me throughout my lifetime. So, physically and mentally I believe that my life is very big compared to this stay at home hypothetical scenario, and I hope it keeps getting bigger.

JazyM16 said...

My world is pretty small to me b/c there so many people alll around the world with different lives from big needs with money or food to people that are more fortunate then others.

Beau Webb said...

Most people think they live in a bigger world then they actually do. The world today is humongous. There are so many different cultures, languages, cities, and countries. When people think about the world some just think of the United States, but the world is way bigger!

I know a lot of people through basketball, different schools, and family. I have played on many teams so I have got to know a lot of basketball players. I know kids from every school from basketball. I have also attended different schools through out my years. When you go to different schools you develop different friendships along the way. Lastly, I have one of the biggest Italian families you will ever meet! So i know all my family members and a lot of their friends. If i didn't know all these people I don't think I would be the same person because they have made me who I am.

m_cantar said...

How big is my world?
That depends on your perspective... everything is relative.
In comparison to most other people in this class, my world is fairly large. Being born in another state, traveling all over Colorado, to different states and other countries, living in the mountains for a few months with people from al over the world (without the constant hold of my parents... they stayed in the city). In December I'm going to Israel for a few weeks to hang out with some friends I have there, so that should be interesting. Learning Hebrew, Arabic, Russian language and culture all at the same time is pretty interesting too. Being involved in politics, studying foreign policy, studying the demographics of different cultures throughout Central and South America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and China, you get a pretty good perspective of the world's people. After high school I'll get a pretty good chance to experience the different cultures up close.
But again, everything is relative. I've only experienced an infinitely small percent of the world as a whole in comparison to the planet.

mikew said...

my world seems small; well until I really think about it. All the places I have been and all the people met along the way then it expands and becomes pretty big. It might sound fun but this is not all just fun and games this comes with all sorts of feelings, pain, sadness, happiness and so on. But in the end it is all worth it because if you just stayed home and never felt any of these things then well your life would suck. It might not seem like it at first but even the bad things are worth it ,without them you would never really know when you where feeling good.

brandonh2011 said...

You start of life just having that circle of people you always can trust and be secure with but as time grows so does that circle you meet people leading you in paths to success and failure. In that closed environment you don't earn some Vidal skills you discovering from others views. That skill really makes your world different than anyone just stuck in one place. I have lived a life with very many different ideas but in my head from the places i have been. You get a different personality in a sense after experiencing those. Like i stay in New York every summer with my cousin and that is way different than Colorado it really just shows you how different backgrounds can really effect you. So i do say my world is big in a sense of what backgrounds i know and how much they effected me but physically it is small.

ryan walsh said...

This makes me think about how important experiences are. Someone could could travel the world alone but mentaly be going nowhere. That person is like the one who stays at home. Where someone goes physically doesn't matter, but where that person goes in his or her relationships and the experiences that are included means everything.

evand said...

My world is exceptionally large for a teenager. I have travelled all over the country and I have been to Europe twice. I stay in contact using email with friends in Mexico, England, Germany, and Belgium. Meeting people from different countries really gives you perspective on how great America is. Fo Sho

NatalieJ said...

I've always considered my world being so small. I think we all get so caught up with the people and drama around us we forget about the big picture. When you hear about issues going on in the world it defiantly makes me think of all the different places and things going on in other people's lives. For example, people in Africa are dying of starvation, when people here are starting to suffer from obesity! I couldn't imagine what life would be like for the people living down there. The world is so different and so big; we are probably still unaware of the issues going on in places that some of us haven't ever even heard of. I have traveled more then the average teen. I was born in England, and both my parents have brought me up in an English style home. My parents both enjoyed traveling all over so I did learn a ton about what the world is like. But I still consider my day to day world pretty small.

Anonymous said...

Although I live and have lived in a small part of Colorado, what most people like to call "The bubble" of Highlands Ranch. I have widened my world by traveling to many places not only in the US, but other countries as well. The world is an enormous place, as we all know but yet it is so small at the same time. I was once stuck in a hurricane in Mexico, sheltered for 3 days. And miraculously there was a kid who appeared in the same shelter that went to my school who was in my Spanish class. This just goes to show that although the world is huge, in reality, it is a small world after all :)

chad k said...

well if i have never left me neighborhood then i would have alot of older friends and youner ones but i think it would be rather boring to be limited to just one city and you would never experince another culture

well my world today isn't that big but have been out of state and country and have seen how a lot of different cultures live and i think this has let me see that americas economy is good compaired to other countries.

Joey S said...

Well if this is how I lived my life I think that it would be very boring and I wouldn't have that many friends my age. I love to travel, so not even leaving the state would not be that fun for me.

I heard this quote in my history class today and it really can relate to this.

"Every person you meet-and everything you do in life-is an opportunity to learn something."- Tom Clancy.

I think that eventually if you get used to your enviroment to much, your gonna start taking it for granted, and not realize all of the smaller things in it that are really important. That is one reason that I love to travel, I also know people from all over the country, and the world.

meg w said...

How big is my world....
Well to me it is HUGE. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I mean my world to me is so big I always feel like there's never enough time to do, see or even just sit back and enjoy anything in a day. In my world I am so incredibly busy with sports, homework, my family at home and several other things that go on in my life. Yes i have lived in Colorado my intire life except the first year i was born, I lived in Mesa, Arizona. But I have traveled out of the state and even to a couple different countries. And when it comes to who you are and where your from, anywhere, it never matters. We are all alike in so many unseen ways. So I would have to say that yes our world is big and small in its own little way, and is constantly growing with new ideas and technology creating a very large concept.

Unknown said...

I think that i had to live that life i wouldnt be so great cuz there arent too many people that are my age in the nighborhood and no one really does the same activities that i do. So i think that i would live a very lonley life.Also i think that i would be really immature because i wouldnt really know how to act around friends and stuff.

Throught my life i have seen many different lifestyles that people life through traveling and skating cuz when you go to some other country and go skate you usually see every part of the city. So you get to see how everyone live from the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor. Also in my life i have a lot of frinds tjat i have made that live in different states so i also get to travel a lot to go see them every once in a while. So i think i live in a pretty big world

katie c said...

Thinking about this question really makes me grateful for all the experiences I have gone through. Because I get the chance to travel and I get to go places and meet new people, and all along I have taken that for granted. Just thinking about never ever leaving Colorado let alone this area is insane. The world is huge and some people don't grasp that. Everywhere I've been and everyone I've met made who I am.